For English recipe scroll down
Vegan lempers, is that possible at all? Yes! And they’re super tasty, too.
Despite never having been to Indonesia (yes really, I’m not kidding) I know that lempers exist.
And man oh man, what a delight lempers are! Did you know that you actually pronounce lempers as lumpers? This a delicious Indian snack is normally with chicken or minced meat. So that is not necessary at all and you can make it vegan just fine! In the end, it’s all about the texture but most importantly, it’s about the spices you add. So should you want to put another original snack on the table on these rice rolls everyone will love them!
Go to English recipeVegan lempers
Ingredients for the rice
- 1 kg
1kg ketan (
sticky rice, for sale at toko
- 1 liters water
- pinch of salt
- 1 kinked blade sereh lemongrass
- half block santen coconut block
Ingredients for the filling of the vegan lempers
- 500 gr vegan minced meat
- 1 large onion
- 2 chopped kemiri nuts
- 2 crumbled salam leaves Indonesian laurel
- 1 tsp laos
- 1 tsp dijnten cumin seed powder
- 1 kinked blade sereh lemongrass
- 2 tsp ketoembar coriander seed powder
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp sugar
- 3 tsp turmeric turmeric
- 1 half block santen coconut block
- pinch of salt
- Wash the ketan and bring to a boil with water, salt, sereh and santen.
- Stir everything well until the water is absorbed.
- Put the ketan in a steamer pan and steam for another 30 minutes.
- Grate the onion and fry it in some oil.
- Add the vegan mince.
- Add all the boemboes (spices): kemiri nuts, salami leaves, laos, djinten, sereh, ketoembar, garlic powder, salt, sugar and turmeric.
- Stir the mixture well and allow it to cook.
- Cut or break the half block of santen into pieces and add. Let all the pieces melt and stir well.
- Cut a piece of cling film and place it on the counter (about 20x25cm).
- Place a scoop of ketan in the center and flatten into a rectangular shape (can be done with a piece of damp aluminum foil or with a damp spoon).
- Place a scoop of the filling in the center lengthwise.
- First roll one half of the ketan over the filling, then the other side and then seal the lemper.
- Close the ends by pressing the ketan in slightly.
- Take the ends and roll the lemper like a toffee until it is a nice roll (you should not see the filling anymore).
Having trouble rolling? There are some helpful instructional videos on YouTube. Selamat makan! Are you a fan of Indian cuisine? Then also check out nasi goreng or make Indian patties.
Vegan Lempers English Recipe
Vegan Lempers ENG
- 1 kg
sticky rice, for sale at toko
- 1 litre water
- 1 snapped sprit sereh lemongrass
- half block of santen coconut block
- pinch of salt
Filling of the vegan lempers
- 500 gr vegan minced meat
- 1 large onion
- 2 crushed kemiri nuts
- 2 crumbled lettuces leaves / salam leaves indonesian laurel
- 1 tsp laos
- 1 tsp dijnten cumin seed power
- 2 tsp corianderseed powder
- 1 snapped sprit sereh lemongrass
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- pinch of salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 3 tsp tumeric (curcuma)
- half block of santen coconut block
- Wash the ketan and bring it to the boil with water, salt, sereh and santen.
- Stir well until the water is absorbed.
- Put the ketan in a steam cooker and steam for another 30 minutes.
- Grate the onion and fry it in some oil.
- Add the vegan minced meat.
- Add all the tree nuts (herbs): kemiri nuts, salambals, laos, cumin, sereh, coriander, garlic powder, salt, sugar and turmeric.
- Stir the mixture well and let it cook.
- Cut or break the half block of santer into pieces and add. Melt all the pieces and stir well.
- Cut a piece of cling film and place it on the counter (about 20x25cm).
- Place a spoonful of ketan in the middle and press it flat to a rectangular shape (can be done with a piece of damp aluminium foil or with a damp spoon).
- Place a scoop of the stuffing in the middle lengthwise.
- First roll one half of the ketan over the filling, then the other side and close the lemper.
- Close the ends by squeezing the ketan a little inside.
- Grab the ends and roll the lemper like a toffee until it is a nice roll (you can't see the filling anymore).