A little Dutch feeling I did have in Hell’s Gate. Despite the heat, which is not typically Dutch. In fact, you can bike through Hell’s Gate national park. It is the only national park in Kenya where you can cycle. The advantage is that animals are less likely to run away. So that’s how you get closer to Mrs. Zebra or Mr. Giraffe. Do go early in the morning. Otherwise, you can see the air vibrating with heat. In addition to animals, Hell’s gate is also known for its beautiful canyons.
The canyon in Hell’s gate
The canyon is old. Water used to flow through it. Over the years, the river dried up and left a carved out canyon. If you want to visit the canyon, it is helpful that you are healthy. The hike is not difficult or exhausting, but requires some climbing at times.
Lion King in Hell’s Gate
Do you remember Simba? What about Nala, Pumba, Timon and Scar? The Lion King is one of Disney’s most popular film. Hell’s Gate was the inspiration for the setting in the Lion King. When you cycle around it you can almost see Simba running.
Are you a climbing fanatic? There is even a natural climbing wall in Hell’s gate. Besides climbing wall, the animals and the beautiful canyons, you can also see the immense rock formations. When you enter the park they are already approaching you. A beautiful park! This one should definitely be on your list when you go to Kenya. Next to Masai Mara national park.
Cost Hell’s Gate
The entrance fee is $40 in low season. In high season, it can be $80. You can, before heading down the road to Hell’s gate, rent a bike. This costs something like $10. You can hardly get water in the park was our experience. So stock up on water before entering the park. And when you go biking put on a cap and lots of sunscreen. A guide is not necessarily necessary, but it is incredibly fun. He/she then tells a lot about the history of the park. And lead you around the canyon. We were thrilled with our guide Peter. Should you be interested in touring with him in Hell’s Gate, get in touch.
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